Get 30 % more traffic from your mobile site!

Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP)

Google says 30% more traffic with AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages). 

What is AMP?

Mobile site acceleration is a requirement required by many sites, especially since Google rolled out their Core Web Vitals based ranking in June 2021.

Google Search indexes AMP pages to provide a fast, reliable web experience.

When an AMP page is available, it can be featured on mobile search as part of rich results and carousels. While AMP itself isn't a ranking factor, speed is a ranking factor for Google Search. Google Search applies the same standard to all pages, regardless of the technology used to build the page. For more information on the benefits of using AMP, see the AMP Project success stories.

a blue background with a phone and a speedometer on it .

We use Ampify

Ampify is used to create an Accelerated Mobile Page (AMP) compliant version of your website. AMP-compliant websites are lightweight and designed to give mobile visitors a fast, smooth, and engaging experience.

  • How does AMP work?

    Once a page is accelearted (ampified), an AMP version of it goes live alongside it. The new AMP page is hosted by Ampify at a separate URL. Whenever Google indexes the your page, it checks whether an AMP version exists for that page via a special tag that Ampify embeds. Google then validates that the page adheres to the AMP framework. Once Google has verified the page, it will begin to optimize it, cache it across its CDN, and prioritize it in search results. Learn more about AMP from Google.

  • Does AMP replace my site?

    AMP doesn’t replace your site. Mobile visitors who visit your site from search engines are directed to the AMP version. Google is not the only source of traffic that uses your AMP version, other search engines like Bing and social platforms like LinkedIn send mobile traffic to the AMP version. When these visitors move on to browse your site from the first AMP page, they do so in the HTML version of the site.

    Mobile visitors accessing your site directly (for example, by entering your site’s URL) will receive the standard mobile site.

  • What does it cost to add AMP?

    Cost is based on Number of pages that are being accelerated.  Not all pages of your website have to be accelerated. 

    5 Pages CAN $10/mo

    15 Pages CAN $

    100 Pages CAN $36/mo

    500 Pages CAN $49/mo

    There is a one time AMP Setup Fee of $2 / page to be added to AMP. 

  • Does AMP replace my site?

    AMP doesn’t replace your site. Mobile visitors who visit your site from search engines are directed to the AMP version. Google is not the only source of traffic that uses your AMP version, other search engines like Bing and social platforms like LinkedIn send mobile traffic to the AMP version. When these visitors move on to browse your site from the first AMP page, they do so in the HTML version of the site.

    Mobile visitors accessing your site directly (for example, by entering your site’s URL) will receive the standard Duda mobile site.

  • How long does it take for ampified pages to go live?

    It might take up to several days for newly created AMP pages to be picked up by Google and presented in the search results. The duration is correlated with the number of visits the site receives on a daily basis. This process can be expedited by clicking re-index in the site’s Google Search Console.

    When updating an existing AMP page, the changes can take some time to appear in the live version.

  • Does Ampify work with other Editor apps?

    Apps that don’t have front-end components shouldn’t be affected by the creation of an AMP version. Apps with a front-end component might be affected, depending on what they’re doing and whether the apps were specifically translated by the Ampify team. It is recommended you review ampified pages with apps before approving them to go live.

  • Can new pages be accelerated automatically?

    All paid plans have the option to automatically ampify new blog posts when they are published.

  • Does changing the page also require re-approval of the AMP page?

    No. Ampify Acceleration continuously samples the HTML version of the page and updates the AMP version to match it. If a change that requires review is discovered, the site admin is notified about it via email.

  • Can I accelerate a page with a third-party script in it?

    Third-party components that are not part of an editor that Ampify doesn’t recognize are ampified together with the rest of the page’s components. Ampify can’t tell in advance if the ampified version of the component will function correctly or not. When reviewing the page prior to its approval third-party components are highlighted for careful examination. If they don't function properly, there is an option to remove them from the AMP version. 

  • Does Accelearion support eCommerce sites?

    Product pages and the Main Store widget are not currently supported. eCommerce widgets can be ampified (Product Gallery, Product Search, Cart, and so on).

  • Can multi-language sites be accelerated?

    Yes. When a page is ampified all the language versions are ampified with it. For the purpose of plan usage, a multi-language page and its versions are counted as a single page.

Ready to add AMP to your website?

Leave your contact details, and we’ll have one of our WSI Digital Marketing Experts in Winnipeg follow-up and arrange a time that works best for you to have a  quick discussion.

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