Why Content is Still the King of the Castle

Certified Digital Marketing Professional
Website Optimization & Conversion Analysis
August 29, 2022

Save Money with "Conversion Optimization"
See short video at the end of this Blog.  (2 min)

The year is 2050, and content is still king….

Just kidding! The year is, of course, 2022 - the year in which we predicted that content would remain king . And jokes aside, we’re fine letting the opening line of this post serve as an even loftier prediction: that when it’s actually really 2050, we’re still going to be talking about content.

Do we know what forms of content will be most popular in 28 years? We don’t. But we truly believe that the importance of content will remain as strong as ever in 2022, 2050, and even beyond.

The Staying Power of Content

It always appears as though the importance of content is going to fade; as if something else is going to emerge and offer brands and companies some new lifeblood for their marketing efforts. But the truth remains that everything marketers do to attract and retain customers is built around content. Each new and shiny tactic that garners traction ends up being another form of content (ex. short video content platforms).

I want a properly optimized site.  How do I get my site optimized?

If you like a website that really works for you, guaranteeing the highest ROI for your marketing dollars start by requesting a FREE Optimization Scan below..   We will then look at your site and determine if there is potential for substantial improvement or not.  We will rank your site and give you a recommendation.  

What is Website Optimization?

We offer a full site scan to evaluate your current website. This will tell you what is right and what is wrong with your website.  Once you have that report you can start fixing you site.  Please allow 48 hours for the scan to complete.   Like to know what to expect? 

Click on the image to see a sample report for a website.  

Order FREE Site Scan

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