The Ultimate Guide on Measuring a Funeral Home's Website Conversion Rate

Ralf Klenke
Certified Digital Marketing Professional
Website Optimization & Conversion Analysis
August 26, 2020

Save Money with "Conversion Optimization"
See short video at the end of this Blog.  (2 min)

A strong website design not only helps your clients navigate and engage with you through your website, but it should also assist in driving traffic.

In the simplest of terms, a conversion rate for a website is the ratio of visitors who visit your website that complete a desired process compared to those that did not. Sounds simple enough right? The fact is it can often be quite difficult to get visitors to do what you want. Having a strong conversion rate can be the piece of the puzzle that gives you an edge over your competitors, even if their company website has more visits than yours.

Imagine your website has 100 visitors a week and a conversion rate of 3%. This means you will have 3 new potential customers contacting you or making appointments. Let’s assume your competitor spends a lot of money and has 200 visitors but only 1% conversion (2 leads). Their site does not offer a well-designed traffic conversion architecture like yours and a lot money is wasted. The focus before you consider spending money on driving traffic should first be to ensure your site is conversion optimized. 

This article will help you learn how to identify key figures when it comes to measuring your conversion rate.

1. What is Your Conversion

The first thing you need to do is to decide what constitutes a conversion for you. For a funeral home it could be something such as having people book a consultation with you through your website or making contact after finding information on your site. Whatever you decide on, make sure that it is both a clear and measurable goal.

2. Who is New

One statistic that is important to take into consideration when looking at conversion rate is what percentage of people who are visiting your funeral home’s website are new visitors compared those that are already using your services. If your conversion goal is to have people book consultations through your website, the conversion rate between these two groups of people would most likely be drastically different. This difference is important to note as your will want to have a good understanding how often each of these client bases interact with your website because you may have different conversion metrics for these two distinct types of visitors.

3. Desktop vs. Mobile

As with new and current clients, another two types of groups that would be useful to distinguish between are the people who visit your site through a desktop computer versus those that visit by a mobile device. Once again, these groups may have their own unique standards for what you consider to be a successful conversion placing a greater emphasis on the distinction between the groups.

4. Time on Page

One final statistic that is of considerable importance is figuring out how long the average visitor to your funeral home’s website spends on the page. It is going to be hard to increase your conversion rate if people are not even going to take the time to figure out what you are all about as a funeral home. Being able to retain the attention of visitors to your site will help to increase your conversion rate.

The best way to get started on figuring out and measuring your website’s conversion rate is to take a free website analysis test. By taking this test you will be able to get all of the information that is necessary in order to make an informed decision about where you currently are with your conversion rate as well as what steps should be taken to help raise that number.

Would you like to learn more on how to get the most out of your business website.  Consider this research paper below.  Remember, at WSI we are experts in optimizing all aspects of your website. You can request a FREE Site Analysis for insight in the issues of YOUR specific website.  Request your FREE Analysis HERE.    Stop wondering - Start Knowing.

5 Warning Signs That You Are Wasting Money With 

Your Funeral Home's Website

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5 Warning Signs That You Are Wasting Money With Your Website

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I want a properly optimized site.  How do I get my site optimized?

If you like a website that really works for you, guaranteeing the highest ROI for your marketing dollars start by requesting a FREE Optimization Scan below..   We will then look at your site and determine if there is potential for substantial improvement or not.  We will rank your site and give you a recommendation.  

What is Website Optimization?

We offer a full site scan to evaluate your current website. This will tell you what is right and what is wrong with your website.  Once you have that report you can start fixing you site.  Please allow 48 hours for the scan to complete.   Like to know what to expect? 

Click on the image to see a sample report for a website.  

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