5 Warning Signs Your Website Is Wasting Money

Ralf Klenke
Certified Digital Marketing Professional
Website Optimization & Conversion Analysis
April 19, 2021

Save Money with "Conversion Optimization"
See short video at the end of this Blog.  (2 min)

Ever feel like you are not getting enough value out of your website? There is probably a good reason for that.

1. No Traffic

an aerial view of a mountain range with a blue sky in the background .

It may seem obvious, but your website won’t be doing your business any good if nobody is able to find it. There is not much point in having a website if no one is bothering to use it. These may seem like harsh words, but that is the reality of the situation. However, just because you don’t have massive numbers of visits doesn’t mean that your website can’t be effective. The important part is being able to find the right people and bringing them to your site.

There are two main ways of driving traffic to your website. The first method is perhaps the more well know option, ads. Google Ads for example is one way to quickly get your website at or near the top of certain searches based on what keywords you spent money on. This solution is a shorter-term option than the other, but it should also result in people landing on your webpage more quickly.

The second option is to organically move up the search engine with tactful use of keywords and site optimization. This technique takes a longer amount of time but becomes more sustainable once you get to top positions. Depending on what you think your clinic needs or can afford, both options are good choices. The best option is, of course, to do both. However, that isn’t always feasible, and choosing one option can often be good enough to bring a larger amount of traffic to your site.

Both methods require that you understand the type of people who are looking to use your company's website. By possessing this knowledge, you can use more strongly targeted keywords that will bring the right people to you. It is better to bring the right people to your website than it is to get as many visitors as possible to see your page and then leave.

2. No Conversion

Conversion is when a visitor to your website completes the task that you wanted them to perform. This can take many forms but it is important to establish your goals before anything else so you can measure your results more easily. Whatever your conversion goal ends up being, it is critical to keep this in mind for every aspect of your website. It is better to have 100 people visit your website and five of them book an appointment than 1000 visits with only 3 bookings.

Keeping your conversion goal should be evident when thinking about website design as well. All of your company's webpages should always lead visitors to that main goal of conversion. One common error that a lot of websites make is to have too many distracting elements on the page that moves leads away from a conversion goal. The job of your website is to convert visitors into business and the formatting of your website should lend itself to that. Once again, it is important to have your conversion goal clearly visible and easily accessible for visitors to your site.

3. Low visit time

Another warning sign that your website is costing you money is the amount of time visitors will spend on your site before leaving. First impressions matter when it comes to websites and if you are not making a good one, it is all too simple for people to find another option. Your website needs to give off a professional, yet welcoming feel. Try to avoid using low quality images and personalize your website where possible.

It is also important to consider the visitor’s point of view when first looking at your website. They will ask themselves three questions. The first is “Am I at the right place?”. New clients will wonder if they are at the right type of business's website and returning users will need to know that they are at the correct site. To do this, make sure your logo is clear and easily visible. The second question they will ask is “How do I feel about this site?”. This question can be addressed through website design and displaying positive reviews of your company. By having these elements clearly visible, visitors will feel comfortable about using your services. The final question they ask themselves is “What do I do next?”. This is where your conversion goal comes into play. The users will want you to tell them what to do when they know that they are in the right place, all you must do is make sure that your conversion goal is easily visible. Through quickly answering these questions you should be able to retain people that visit your website for a longer amount of time.

4. Not Committed

One of the frustrating things about digital marketing is that there is not always a quick fix and that you get back what you put in. A common pitfall is when people get impatient that the number of visitors from search engine optimization (SEO) isn’t increasing quickly enough or that the number of conversions aren’t where they thought they should be.

To get the most out of the money you spend on not only your website, but your digital marketing budget, it is important to have a strong plan in place. By following this plan, you can gauge whether your expectations are being met. For example, if you are not seeing the results you want in terms of conversions, you can focus your spending towards website design.

5. Not Running Properly

Of course, the ultimate sign that your website is wasting money is through a test result. Conducting a website analysis test is a fantastic way for you to get a good understanding of any areas of your site that may not be performing at their peak or any links that may no longer be working. These tests can be done online for free and will yield a large amount of data that can be useful in identifying sore spots with your digital marketing.

Getting that first test done should give you a solid baseline of where your company’s site is at, but as technology evolves, so should your website’s functionality. It doesn’t hurt to get this test done periodically in order to stay on top of its performance.

I want a properly optimized site.  How do I get my site optimized?

If you like a website that really works for you, guaranteeing the highest ROI for your marketing dollars start by requesting a FREE Optimization Scan below..   We will then look at your site and determine if there is potential for substantial improvement or not.  We will rank your site and give you a recommendation.  

What is Website Optimization?

We offer a full site scan to evaluate your current website. This will tell you what is right and what is wrong with your website.  Once you have that report you can start fixing you site.  Please allow 48 hours for the scan to complete.   Like to know what to expect? 

Click on the image to see a sample report for a website.  

Order FREE Site Scan

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